How To Shoot A Wedding Video


synopsis by: Jerome J.

Nigel Barker teaches us on How to Shoot Wedding Videos with several tips that are very crucial in getting the best wedding videos ever.  Now he points out that the wedding ceremony has two parts, the formal part which is the wedding ceremony itself and the fun part which is the reception and party portion after the wedding ceremony.

Let me illustrate the following tips:

  1. Go to the wedding rehearsal, if there is none then you have be early at the wedding venue or at the reception place.  This is to familiarize yourself with the place and so that you could plan out for yourself on where you want to be if you are covering the ceremony.
  2. Get a good quality HD video camera. Of course you want to good quality footage of all the events so you must come in prepared. It may not be of a high end video camera but you have to make sure you can get the whole event and not get problems in between the ceremony. Video cameras nowadays have large built-in hard drives of up to 16GB of space and supports wide angle lens and zoom lens. Viewing screens also have intuitive controls that you can edit along while you shoot.  Other equipment that you should readily bring are a tripod, extra battery, extension cord, extra hard drive memory, remote microphone and of course as Nigel suggests a, gift for the bride and groom.
  3. Shoot dramatic scenes as these are the most important parts of the wedding. Some suggested scenes are the entrance of the bride to the wedding venue, kissing of the couple, wedding ring and so forth and should be shot in low light so as not to distract the wedding couple.
  4. Shoot wide shots to get a full view of the wedding venue so as to give the viewer an idea on how beautiful the wedding place be and close up scenes for getting detailed images such as the wedding ring, flowers and so forth.
  5. Shoot lots of footage and lengthy scenes or as much as possible shoot the whole event. This is so because you can have many options later on when you edit the wedding.

I hope you get a lot of tips and this attached video should help you a lot on your next wedding videography coverage.

This great synopsis on how to shoot a wedding video, has been presented by:

Janis Productions
Blue Bell, PA
wedding video philadelphia, wedding video new jersey
“Janis Productions is the Philadelphia and New Jersey area’s leading wedding videography company.”

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