Wedding Video Spotlight: Rachelle and Chris

Wedding Video Spotlight: Rachelle and Chris

synopsis by: Jerome J.

This is an inspiring and sweet wedding video about a handicapped woman who is about to get married with a physically fit man.  The setting is in a farm land called the Friedman’s village.

The video starts off with a woman (maybe the best friend of the bride) who is reading her dedication to the married couple and she reads as follows:

“Love is a friendship caught on fire in the beginning of flame very pretty often hot in tears still only light is flickering, aS love grows older our hearts mature and our love becomes as cold deepening…..”

A soft background music starts as the video progresses it gives excerpts from the pre-wedding preparations beginning from the bride’s room  and then from the grooms side.

And the dedication continues…

“When I look at Chris and Rachelle together I truly see that deep is your love, untouchable love, a love that will stand together through the most difficult of times without condition. Your willingness to love each other with eyes on colored by the past is as rare as the purity and innocence of your love. They have shown me that life is hard and things change your love will remain the same.  There’s no one here who deserves the guy as wonderful as Chris more than she does so happy people…

Then the groom and all wedding entourage went to the wedding venue decorated with sunflowers. While the groom is waiting for the bride, the bride is wheeled through with a bouquet of sunflowers in her hand. The wedding ceremony starts and the couple is seating together, facing each other while the groom is holding her hand.

After the garden wedding, the bride and groom proceeded to the reception area where all the family members, guests and all wedding entourage where comfortably seated waiting for the couple.  Then the party begins.  The couple were dancing at the center of the dance floor and was sweetly talking and embracing each other unmindful of the guests around them.

Then finally as the wedding ceremony ended the couple was led outside and was presented with a gift. The gift was a brand new custom made SUV for the bride to be able to get inside through a ramp and can be secured inside with her wheelchair.

This wedding video combines background music and some live audio. Unlike other wedding videos that portrays the story out of a wedding video and background music only.

This post on Rachelle and Chris’ wedding video is brought to you by:

Janis Productions
Blue Bell, PA
wedding videography new jersey
“Janis Productions is the current leader in wedding videography located in the Philadelphia area. Producing wedding videos of the highest standards.”

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